There’s No Need For You to Suffer in Silence
Once you’ve had a fibroid diagnosis, getting the support and help you need will help you along your fibroid journey. It’s important you don’t suffer alone. Talk to your healthcare professional if you have concerns, and join a support group with other sufferers. Finding support and chatting with other women will go a long way to help you cope with your diagnosis. The importance of open conversations about fibroids will put you in good stead. (1)
7 Coping Strategies After a Fibroid Diagnosis
Living with fibroids presents numerous challenges that extend beyond the physical to include emotional difficulties.(3). Each person’s journey is unique, so having conversations with your friends, family and your medical professional will make it easier. This is the perfect time to find other fellow sufferers by joining support groups. Living in silence and suffering is not uncommon and can take an emotional toll on the individual. (3) Feeling heard, supported, and attention to the finest detail will make a difference to the lives and families of fibroid sufferers. (3)
1. Education is Key After a Fibroid Diagnosis
An important step on your fibroid journey is understanding what causes fibroids, the risk factors, common symptoms, and what your treatment options are. Arming yourself with sufficient knowledge alleviates many of the fears you could have about fibroids. (3) The more you know about your condition, the more informed decisions you can make. This is the best time to find out everything about uterine fibroids (6) and their symptoms, and the treatment options available to you.
2. Why Building a Support System is So Important For Your Overall Well-Being
A problem shared is a problem halved. Dealing with a chronic health challenge or chronic pain and discomfort can prove debilitating. Sharing your feelings with other sufferers, your doctor, family and friends will help you emotionally. A support group like A Community of Women Talking Fibroids | Facebook is a platform where you can unpack your concerns, ask relevant questions, and find out more from other women experiencing the same concerns. (3) (5)
3. Have That Open Conversation with Your Doctor (3)
Don’t hold back when discussing fibroids with your doctor. Open conversations are important. Being transparent about your concerns, asking the right questions and discussing all treatment options available to you are .(3)
Ask our group of experts the right questions and have those all-important conversations to find out more. For tangible advice, try our symptom checker and download the doctor’s consultation guide.
4. Keep Track By Writing Your Experience in a Journal (3)
How you feel, what your experiences are and everything about your fibroid journey will assist with self-awareness. your emotions, triggers, and any patterns could offer valuable insights associated with your unique journey. This information can prove helpful when visiting your doctor. (3)
5. Remember the Joy of Living. Achieve This Through Fun Activities & Hobbies (3)
Introducing hobbies and activities into your daily routine provides a healthy distraction from your health concerns. There are many to choose from. Reading, gardening, yoga and meditation are some examples of healthy, distracting activities. These will add an element of joy to your daily routine. (3)
6. Being Realistic is Important (3)
Staying positive and keeping it real will give you the time and patience for healing and recovery. As fibroids are an ongoing condition, it is important to take this journey one day at a time. (3)
7. Take Care of Number One
Talk to your doctor about implementing lifestyle changes and self-care. Include small changes into your daily routine. Some of these include the right amount of exercise and a healthy diet, as well as getting enough sleep. By applying small daily modifications, this will help towards managing your condition. Here are some lifestyle changes that could help you: (7)
- Stress reduction
- Maintaining a healthy weight
- Exercising
- Lowering your blood pressure (7)
- Limiting red meat intake and avoiding processed foods with additives that are potentially unhealthy (7)
- Limit alcohol and stop smoking
Open Conversations Will Help You Along Your UF Journey (7)
Uterine fibroids need not prove debilitating, robbing you of your best reproductive years. Finding help might not prove easy, but there are many options available at your fingertips that will help you. A treatment plan created specifically for your individual needs will offer you the best way moving forward.
Dealing with any type of pain or health challenge can prove taxing on your mental well-being. (3) Open conversations with other individuals who have had similar experiences can provide you with valuable insights. Your loved ones, friends and health practitioners are there to offer you support as you travel along your fibroid journey. (3)
- Who we are – Fibroid Forum UK2.
- What you need to know about fibroids and adenomyosis - Wellbeing of Women
- Coping Strategies & Emotional Support for Women with Fibroids | AFC (
- Why Emotional Self-Care is Key After a Uterine Fibroid Diagnosis - Talking Fibroids
- Ask Our Experts About Uterine Fibroids | Talking Fibroids
- Uterine Fibroids: Coping, Support, and Living Well (