Three ideas to minimize the back pain caused by fibroids


Many women diagnosed with uterine fibroids suffer from lower back pain. The pain can range from mild to more constant and severe, significantly affecting quality of life. Unfortunately, the bad news is that this can go on for quite a while, but there is good news as well, in that a number of different approaches, used separately or combined, can be helpful in lessening the pain.

Let’s break down treatment options into three main categories:

  • Exercise
  • Medication
  • Complementary therapies

Exercise can help control pain from fibroids from two different angles. First, maneuvers and stretches exist that ease back pain. Additionally, exercise that promotes weight loss can loosen the physical load the body carries, thus decreasing pain. Yoga is one option known to help sufferers of fibroids. One should consult a knowledgeable teacher, as while some poses can help improve the situation, others are not recommended and even potentially dangerous.

Pilates is another physical activity that has shown to help ease lower back pain. With or without machines, at home or in a studio, “Pilates is a system of repetitive exercises performed on a mat or other equipment to promote strength, stability, and flexibility.

Easily attainable pharmaceuticals that have been on the market as pain relievers for decades, such as ibuprofen and paracetamol, often help ease the lower back pain that can be caused by uterine fibroids. While once upon a time, rumor had it that ibuprofen caused increased menstrual bleeding, current wisdom actually claims the opposite, making it doubly useful. With both of these medications, care must be taken to use only when necessary and at the recommended dosage. Ibuprofen should always be taken with food. If neither of these are effective, a visit to the doctor may be necessary toward exploring other options.

Some women find relief from any of a number of widely available, over-the-counter topical ointments. Even temporary pain relief can help improve daily functioning and wellbeing, making these products worth a try. Networking with others can help pin down the best reviews on products available in your area. As with all medications, read all directives and warnings included in the packaging and contact your doctor for any clarifications that may be necessary.

Complementary Therapies

Just because they’re readily available and have been recommended by mothers for generations  doesn’t make heating pads or cold packs any less effective. In fact, for some women, they’re low-budget lifesavers. Experiment with both options, taking care to always follow safety precautions. There should always be a thin piece of cloth between the pad or pack and your skin and going to sleep with either of these items is not recommended.

While we are not of the camp stating that back pain is all in the sufferer’s head, many do find relief through meditation. Meditation can be practiced on an informal basis, through online how-to videos in the comfort of one’s own home. For those wishing to make more of an investment, both group and individual classes and sessions can be found in most cities across Europe. While meditation can involve any of a variety of different types, the vast of which being healthy and perfectly legitimate, when choosing a new teacher, some care should be taken to make sure there is no connection to any cult activities.

Massage is another option for pain relief. Skilled movement of the body’s tissues by a trained practitioner brings great relief to many, while being uncomfortable to others. It’s worth reading up on the different methods of massage to see which might work best for you. Once again, network for recommendations and off you go toward feeling better.

Last but definitely not least, how about joining the long list of acupuncture success stories? The Mayo Clinic defines acupuncture as:

Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Increasingly, it is being used for overall wellness, including stress management.

There is evidence that acupuncture can relieve pain due to uterine fibroids. As always, it is vital to discuss current diagnoses, medications and treatments with all professionals with whom we come in contact, acupuncturists included, in order to treat the issues at hand and not create any cross-reactions that could be harmful.

Have you had success with any of these pain relief options? Maybe you have an even better suggestion! Please share your successes on our Facebook page to help other women live their best lives. Wishing better research and development, helping anyone affected by uterine fibroids to both feel and function better.
